Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Hunted

Casual passersby
Send fear on the prowl
Hunting, scouring
For the meat of anxious hearts

I waver
In the muck
Of daily pleasantries

In the mire
Of placid words
Devoid of any true purpose

Silence is refuge
Aloft, in the folds
Of restless thoughts

Where the winds
Thrive only to sooth
And send away
Every thread of dismay

Static Euphoria

I flood my ears
With static euphoria
As the mind trails away
And my limbs course
With primal desire

In spite of the wind
I cleave, the frigid night
Brimmed with the valor
Of melodic disarray

The earth
Becomes a passing blur
As I speed undeterred
In buckets of sheer resolve

Until exhaustion
Quiets my laboring frame
And I exude, satisfaction
Content with the trail
I’ve thoughtlessly blazed