Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Hunted

Casual passersby
Send fear on the prowl
Hunting, scouring
For the meat of anxious hearts

I waver
In the muck
Of daily pleasantries

In the mire
Of placid words
Devoid of any true purpose

Silence is refuge
Aloft, in the folds
Of restless thoughts

Where the winds
Thrive only to sooth
And send away
Every thread of dismay

Static Euphoria

I flood my ears
With static euphoria
As the mind trails away
And my limbs course
With primal desire

In spite of the wind
I cleave, the frigid night
Brimmed with the valor
Of melodic disarray

The earth
Becomes a passing blur
As I speed undeterred
In buckets of sheer resolve

Until exhaustion
Quiets my laboring frame
And I exude, satisfaction
Content with the trail
I’ve thoughtlessly blazed

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Merely a Conquered Life

I am the faint pulse
Lurking in the depths
Of scarred
And tattered flesh

Past downcast eyes
Burdened with fear
I cleave for the open
With a bounty of anguish

I fade into
The day to day patchwork
Where the fortunate beckon
And the timid weave

I am
Merely a conquered life
That quietly wanes
Far away
From the turning world

Monday, September 29, 2014

Rationed Words

His silent simmering 
Was a beacon 
For those adrift 

For those who swayed
Upon the currents of dreams 
For the far-away travelers
Engulfed, by silent peril 

He rationed his words 
Through a labyrinth of verse 
Through the treacherous bends
Of careless chatter 

Inward he dove
Unfazed and quiet  
As the watchful hordes 
In desperate longing

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Fortune of Slow Erosion

Life has its way 
Molding and sculpting
My fragile form 

I shape-shift 
In the passage 
Of great calamity 

In the joyous swell 
Of victory’s
Fleeting refrain

Shall I bask
In the fortune 
Of slow erosion 
Or be swallowed whole 
By a surf of certain decay

Quiet Grief

Cries of boyhood angst
Are free 
From my bitten tongue 

Yet no truth prevails
No heartache can crawl 
From the ruins 
Of my war-torn conscience 

The toll
Of harbored sorrow 
Shall beckon forever more 

Never daring to clamor 
For the waiting arms 
Of the crude and heinous world

Never to draw 
The care of roving eyes 
That have seen 
All of the same

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reverie of Apocalypse

A sudden flash
Tore away at the homely dark
Flooding the hollow void
With a clashing array
Of fire and hues

The canopy of night
Fluttered away
Carried, by a traveling wisp

The eternal glimmer
Of ghostly

I remained
Far from terrified
As I sailed for the care
Of faultless panorama

The life I knew
Was fully undone
Sinking at peace
Full, with quiet reverence

And I was
To regain my balance
For the tolling fowls
Were at their prime

I was
To gather
My scattered composure

And breathe
At ease
For the day
Was finally drawn